

Unfortunately, I have no new news, other than my listing has now been deleted after being suspended for two weeks. I’ve edited my listing to show a new cover photo, edited my business hours, removed photos, and resubmitted it for review. I then received the following email:

Thanks for contacting Google My Business support.

We will be unable to assist you in making the requested change. For more information on this topic, please refer to our quality guidelines: Guidelines for Representing your Business on Google.

While I understand this can be frustrating, we do not have additional information to provide on this issue. If you would like to appeal the suspension, make sure you’re entirely compliant with all the above guidelines. If so, feel free to access your account and follow the link provided to you in the red banner.

If your profile has been suspended because of a content violation, please log in to Google+, remove the content that violates our policies and then follow the on-screen instructions to submit an appeal to have your profile suspension lifted. Appeals are typically reviewed within a few days.


Google My Business.

Not a very helpful email at all and makes it very difficult to correct the problem if you don’t know what it is. I’ve contemplated creating a new page, however, that means I will lose my current reviews I’ve received.


The Good News

I received an email from Google yesterday with regards to my reviews not appearing on my Google MyBusiness listing.  See below for details:


Thanks for notifying us about your Google My Business listing or reviews not showing up on Search or Maps.

The issue has been resolved and your listing/reviews is now visible.

Your problem was investigated in detail, and the technical issue that caused it has been fixed. If you have any questions or continue to experience issues, reply to this email. Include your phone number to have a specialist to contact you by phone, or fill out this form.

Thank you for your patience, hope you have a great day ahead :)

And the Bad News

My Google MyBusiness for tangerinemoons has been blacklisted by Google. I submitted an appeal this past Friday, called Google on Tuesday, which was a very disappointing phone call. The only response I could get from the service rep was to review the MyBusiness guidelines and to edit my information. Even after I explained to her that I had done this, this was her only response. I asked if I would receive any correspondence from Google to let me know of an update, and her response … “Maybe”. Hmm. That’s interesting. Asked to speak to supervisor, and she stated she had no supervisor. I asked her for her name or a rep number, she stated she could not share that info. However, I received an email from the person a few minutes later with her name at the bottom. Hmm. That makes total sense.

I did have a client leave me a review on Friday, and their MyBusiness page was also suspended. However, I was able to submit an appeal and it was reinstated almost immediately.

I called again on Wednesday, April 14 and spoke to a service rep and he was a little more helpful. He explained that he understood the problem but he was unable to determine the actual problem that would have caused my page to be suspended. He immediately put me on hold while contacting his supervisor. (Hmmm. This rep has a supervisor.)

The supervisor came on and explained that my case would be escalated and for me to be patient and that Google would contact me to notify me of the issue. A much different conversation than I had had the day before. I apologized for the lack of information and the frustration for me and tangerinemoons. I explained that I just wanted to resolve the issue and if I had something that was out of compliance, that I wanted to correct it.

One item I might add. I do like the feature of being able to have Google call me for support. Both phone calls were immediately made to me after hitting the submit button.

So, I sit patiently. And we’ll see what happens.


In trying to locate the “Write a Review” section of my Google MyBusiness page, I discovered that the option currently does not exist within my listing. After submitting a help request to Google, I received the following onscreen message:



Will continue to update this issue as more details evolve.